Michael Cuddyer is known for his magic as seen in this Twins Territory commercial...
Magicael Michael...
The MurrMurrs of Tim...
Michael Cuddyer is known for his magic as seen in this Twins Territory commercial...
Only 14 of these have ever happened. There has only been 3 by a second basemen. The last was last year by the now-injured Troy Tulowitzki. Here's the Asdrubal Cabrera UA Triple Play vid...
Yes, I'm actually posting about Nick Punto and not about Carlos Gomez' cycle yesterday.
This is going to be a short post, just a few words and numbers as they speak for themselves.
Twins record with Nick Punto playing: 14-6
Twins record with Nick Punto substituting: 5-1
Twins record with Nick Punto starting: 9-5
Twins record without Nick Punto playing: 3-9